In the Torino area we had the last of the rainy & snowy days in November, then nothing ... at least nothing until the week before the Spring Race! After a week of rain, on the Saturday before the competition the sky was blue and the temperature close to 18 °C. But on the Sunday of the competition, the only good thing we had was grey sky, low temperature (<10°C) and rain "only" during the prize giving. That's all for the weather. Due to "last minute" problems we had 7 teams in Goodyear / Simple Team Racing instead of the forecast 10, 5 competitors in Speed Profile 2.5 cc (a very simplified form of C/L speed) and 3 in Speed Profile 1.5 cc. Considering that Goodyear / Simple Team Racing started in Italy during the last 1 to 2 years (the last experience was in '78 to'80), 7 teams is really not too bad, more or less the same number of teams that we had at Lucca during a previous GY/STR competition on 12th March. But 10 teams would have been better ...! A simple but good organization gave the opportunity for everybody to fly three times, so everyone had fun "fighting" with all the other C/L enthusiasts. GOODYEAR / STR As the Italian GY/STR rules permit very different approaches, the equipment used was also very different:
In our previous competitions, the definition of the event of an aeromodeller with more than 40 years of experience was: "whoever is able to start and restart the engine wins" ... sometimes this was still true, but some teams were able to improve their performance in comparison with the result of the previous Spring Race. But some had bad luck, as usual ... that's racing (also in STR!). Looking at the competitors, they can be divided in the following way:
It was fine to see 2 "father & son" teams (as usual, the father is always the pit man), and also good to see people mainly involved in other classes. We really do hope that in future we will have new or "almost new" faces amongst us! I don't want to bore anybody describing what happened during the heats, but let me give you just a few words on the final:
* But despite the anticipated conclusion, the final was really nice to see for all the competitors and for the spectators too SPEED PROFILE Models, Engines & Co:
Only Fiussello and Battistini used a flying wing model (Mejizlik profile team racer), the others used profile model with different approach regarding the area of the wing and the tailplane. Article by Enrico Mauletti, photo by Fulvio Miani and Carlo Guasco. The results plus some pictures are below. |
Topi/Topi; Franco Aesio 2.5cc Profile Speed |
Guido Fasano 1.5cc Profile Speed |
Fulvio Miani ed Enrico Mauletti con il loro tuttala
Nonostante le amorevoli cure di Enrico Mauletti ... la fusoliera del 2°modello ("vecchio"di 20 anni!), si romperŕ nella 3^ batteria durante un pitstop. |
Above- da Alessandria: Carlo Guasco e Giuseppe Martinengo. Below: Mauro Fiussello prepara il suo Speed Profile Diversi "stili" tra i meccanici: | per Mocchetti "la classe non č acqua" (notare la cravatta) |
Tutti pronti per la finale del GY/STR: Fiussello / Battistini, Muzio / Mocchetti, Pelliconi / PelliconiTR & STR | La finale del Goodyear/STR: a destra - da sinistra a destra: Pelliconi, Muzio e Fiussello di spalle /a sinistra - Pelliconi, Fiussello e Muzio in sorpasso TR + STR |
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